
The Poetry in These Publicity Stills

Reading through Vera Pavlova's book of poetry, If There Is Something To Desire, I couldn't help but notice that we have the perfect visual compliment to her poems right here in the pictures of our short.  More synergy.
Within a hand's reach from the foreskin
is fleshlessness, dense, resonant, boundless.
Touching, because of its nature, takes part
in the mystery of disembodiment.
I am rid of the body, but the shiver stays,
and so do the pain, the joy.
The shiver, the pain, the joy have no fear
that the skin might never reappear.

A beast in winter,
a plant in spring,
an insect in summer,
a bird in autumn.
The rest of the time I am a woman.

Do you know what you lacked?
That dose of contempt without which
you cannot flip a woman on her back
to make her flounder like a turtle,
to make the heartless fool realize:
she cannot flip back on her own.

I feel
your flesh so full
in me,
that I do not feel it
at all
on top of me.
Is all of you
within me,
a thing-in-me?
Or is all of you
outside of me,
and only seems to be?

Why is the word yes so brief?
It should be
the longest,
the hardest,
so that you could not decide in an instant to say it,
so that upon reflection you could stop
in the middle of saying it.


Explore Body, Bring Self to Orgasm

Joan Semmel, Crossed Legs, 2011

In Feb. 2012, while we were filming The Sex Machine, Women's Health magazine published this article. Synergy?!?


New Poll: Music Choices for the Big Finish in The Sex Machine?!

Listen to the songs below and choose which one you like the most to end The Sex Machine with a big bang.  And then please voice your opinion with an answer in the poll to the left and make more suggestions in the comments section below"Gracias... muchas gracias."

Disclaimer: I will not be held accountable if you start dancing and break a hip or snap a neck when you play these songs.


Dramedy it is!

Our little informal poll showed that a majority preferred Dramedy as their genre when offered a choice between Comedy, Action, Drama, Dramedy and Dractionamedy.  What is a Dractionamedy? Not sure, but like Justice Potter Stewart said about hard-core pornography, "[it's] hard to define, but...  I know it when I see it." 

Anyways, I'm just happy The Sex Machine is a Dramedy.


An Actor Prepares...

From the moment Sara (Estelle) and Mauricio (Ramon) arrived, they jumped into action getting ready to play their roles.

Mauricio shaving it baby smooth

Morning pep talk

Danny and Mauricio discussing the character of "Ramon"

Mauricio and Sara going over lines

Sara memorizing lines

Danny listens as Mauricio and Sara rehearse

Danny discussing the moment before "Estelle" and "Ramon" argue


"Maybe she'll get a chance to use it -- when you're not home"

In trying to understand a woman's need for pleasure, I had to do research.  And that is how I ended up looking at vibrators from the 19th century.
One thing I learned for sure is that advertisers, like lawyers and comedians, sure have a way with words.  And they knew what women were really doing with their "facial, body, and scalp vibrators" - wink, wink.
(For more old vibrator ads, click on "Read more" below. Big ups to the Quack Doctor.)
Neiba in a past life?! (see Twitter for reference)


It's a Wrap!

On a sunny brisk Saturday morning, February 25, 2012, 10 individuals entered a bed & breakfast in Park Slope, Brooklyn with HDSLR cameras, lights, mics, Santeria candles, fake flowers and a used mattressBy the end of the day at 9:01, they had shot The Sex Machine.

These dedicated souls were:
  • Mauricio Alexander, the beautiful and multi-talented actor, musician and co-producer who plays the part of Ramon.
  • Sara White, the even more beautiful and multi-talented actress and playwright who plays the part of Estelle.
  • Evelyn Badia, the location owner of the most beautiful Bed & Breakfast in Park Slope, Eveland B&B.
  • Brad DeCecco, the truly amazing DP. No, seriously.
  • Jonathan LaFuentes, the sharpest Soundman; he can hear a pin drop in the middle of traffic.
  • Danny Neiba, the always on-point delegating AD, equipped to rip it.
  • Ingrid Matias, the Production Manager, a study in composure and principle, never one to freak out.
  • Dioeval Martinez, the best PA on the planet, bar none.
  • Jake D. Skinner, the PA and Set Photographer so dedicated to his craft and making everyone shines he refused to take pictures of himself.
  • And, Danny Indio, the sleep-deprived writer-director who thinks-knows that everyone on the set-planet is amazed-astounded by how-why he directed on 45 minutes of sleep.
Oh, what a day it was... we all left buzzed on cloud 9.

Greetings! Salutations! Welcome!

Thank you for visiting the blog for the dramedy short, "The Sex Machine."  My name is Danny Indio and I'm the writer-director of The Sex Machine which is about the power of desire and how it can strengthen or hurt a couple's relationship.  We shot it on a Canon 5D with a wonderfully talented cast and crew which I hope you get to know and follow through this blog.  Our main goal with this short is to get into major film festivals, entertain audiences and use it as a gateway to tell more enlightening and engaging stories.  

Danny Indio: sprinkling a little magic along with directions
Stay tuned for updates here!